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Myths, Health and Quality of life

In my life journey I met several people who inspired me, they are my coach or mentor. I learned from them in some areas such as work, career, professionalism, health, fitness, etc.

When I was 30, a wise man who’s a medical doctor and age 70 told me: “I like to promote health, promoting health to people can improve their quality of life. I keep doing it and please help me to promote health to your surrounding”.

He continued. You’re now 30 years old, starting this age your muscle mass and strength will decline by average 1% per year. You can change this to slow down the decline by exercise everyday. Lift dumbbell, squat, push up, stretching everyday. You have to start today, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month. If you want to start tomorrow, tomorrow you will have excuse not doing it.

He’s very healthy and fit, at his age he played tennis 3x a week and still strong.

I lately learn about muscle more and how muscle strength affect many things in our health. Besides how crucial exercise in our health and fitness. Not only physical performance but also cognitive performance.

As opposed of promoting health there are myths that very bad for health and people keep believing it. Myth is very hard to unlearn. People like like to hear what they want to hear, people don’t like to hear the truth because truth is bitter, truth is hurting.

Some examples of myth:

  • Doing sport when you’re old is dangerous, you will get injured easily
  • It’s normal you developed high cholesterol and hypertension because you’re already 40
  • There are many occasion people death while playing football, badminton. Sport is dangerous
  • Cancer is normal for woman above 40, there are many examples and doctors said that

The only thing to unlearn the myths is ‘never stop learning’.

Being unhealthy decrease the quality of life. You cancel your plan because of your health condition, you spend your money for your health and can’t use it for something else.

Health is the first step of wealth. People are productive if they are healthy.