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Knowledge, Habit and Discipline

I surprised by a news where the person I knew from my childhood passed away. He’s just 2 years older than me. Since he was young he smoked cigarette. The surrounding or environment influenced him to smoke for the first time. Smoking became his habit.

There are many studies in neuroscience where the habit is hard to change. Habit will shape someone’s life in a good way or bad way. I developed my habit to read books, enjoy reading or enjoy learning since I was kid. My father have many collections of book. In my subconsciousness I gained knowledge to understand how important to have knowledge.

Sport is my hobby. I do sport since I was kid until now. I don’t get bored, I enjoy it. I come to sport hall on time, if I am late there must be other circumstances. Some people quit from sport after certain age due to other priorities.

Some examples of habit and its consequences.

  • Bad spending habit makes someone poor. Buy and buy little thing that’s not really necessary. This habit is usually combined with the lack of financial knowledge.
  • Sedentary life or inactive life style makes someone unhealthy and slowly collecting some diseases. This habit is usually combined with lack of knowledge and lack of discipline.