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Make joy in the journey

Life Experiences

Accept Reality

It is what it is. The world doesn’t work like what you want

Have a long-term mindset

You’re now is the reflection what you did many years ago. Your action today will make you in the next 15 years. Be careful with your mindset . Question your knowledge. Be aware of the brainwash you got from your childhood until now.

Be humble and never stop learning

People don’t care about your job, your clothes, your partner, your car. They are already busy with their own life.

Knowledge becomes obsolete in short time, update your knowledge constantly. Read books, listen to educational videos, not only entertainment videos.

Health and finance literacy

Health is the first step of wealth. If you are sick you cannot work, you cannot do any activity. School does not educate people about health and finance detail. Find out yourself.
Learning is hard that’s why not many people want to do it. They would rather believe what others said. “I have high blood pressure, it’s normal because I am 50. I have high cholesterol, it’s normal because I am 50”. The word “normal” is very dangerous, it is a myth, it is a brainwash, it risks your health. All the degenerative diseases can be prevented (high blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer/tumor, etc.), also back pain, knee pain. People just don’t want to do it. Blaming age is the easiest and make them feeling soooo good.

Understand how brain works

The evolution of billions years makes us. The brain thinks how to survive. Observe the behavior of human, their acts are basically because they want to survive.

Play badminton

Badminton is a good sport. It trains your endurance, your speed, your flexibility, your strength, your balance